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Touring Beardstown, IL

The Old Lincoln Courtroom & Museum Commission
PO Box 381 - Beardstown IL 62618

Hours: 10am - 4pm M, W, F; 1-4pm Sat.


Abe Lincoln. Honest Abe. Rail Splitter. Great Emancipator. All of these titles describe one of America’s Greatest Presidents, Abraham Lincoln. But, what about Lincoln, the lawyer? Do the students in your School District know where he defended one of the most famous trials in history?

Spring semester offers the perfect opportunity for your Elementary and Secondary schools to provide field trips. The mild weather allows for your students to take a break from the confines of the classroom. And The Old Lincoln Courtroom and Museum Commission of Beardstown, Illinois is proud to offer a unique educational experience for the students in your School District.

The year 2009 marks Abraham Lincoln’s 200th birthday. The official public Bicentennial Commemoration launches in February of 2008 and closes in February of 2010. Central Illinois is rich with important historical sites related to Mr. Lincoln’s life & presidency.

Already, the Looking for Lincoln Coalition is offering the experience of traveling the highways and byways of Illinois “Looking” for Lincoln and bringing the history of this great man to life. What better time to start your students on their quest and where better than Beardstown, Illinois.

The Old Lincoln Courtroom & Museum in Beardstown is one of the most exceptional sights on the search. Do you know that the courtroom in Beardstown where Lincoln defended “Duff” Armstrong in the famous Almanac Trial is the only courtroom where Lincoln practiced that is still used as a courtroom to this day? There is another exclusive fact associated with that trial and Mr. Lincoln. Visit our Historical Site and find out what that fact is, as well as other facts about our 16th President.

The Beardstown Historical Museum, housed in the Courthouse, has some very fine collections, including historically and culturally significant objects and artifacts relating to the community and the central Illinois region.

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln volunteered to serve in the Black Hawk War and marched with his company from New Salem to Beardstown? It was in Beardstown that Lincoln was elected captain of his company. The approximate site of this historic occurrence is marked in Schmoldt Park, another site for your students to visit while in Beardstown. The River Walk affords them a magnificent view the beautiful Illinois River and the opportunity to spot rare Bald Eagles along its banks.

Principals and teachers from area Elementary & Secondary Schools, as well as the History, Social Studies, and Civics teachers in the High School Districts are encouraged to take advantage of this educational opportunity.

For information about scheduling your tour of The Old Lincoln Courtroom and Museum and for information about other Historical sites and restaurants in the Beardstown area, call one of the following numbers:

217-323-3225    Lincoln Courtroom & Museum
217-323-2371    Beardstown Chamber of Commerce
217-248-6053    Paula M. Woods, Commission Vice Chairman / pmw41@casscomm

We look forward to your visit!

Old Lincoln Courtroom & Museum Commission


* Old Lincoln Courtroom and Museum
* Opera House - (under renovation)
* Lincoln & Douglas Speech - (City Park)
* Mile 88 Park
* Illinois River Walkway
* Black Hawk War –Mustering Site
     (Schmoldt Park)
* Beardstown Houston Library
* New School Complex – Completed 2005


* Benny’s Pizza - 217-323-5222
* Café from Yesterday - 323-3887
* Dairy Queen - 217-323-1843
* Fiesta Grande - 217-323-4941
* Tyson’s Drive In - 217-323-1964
At the Plaza (Rte 125 & 67)
* Hardee’s - 217-323-1122
* McDonald’s - 217-323-5955
* Pizza Hut - 217-323-5900
* Star Café - 217-323-9869
* Taste of China - 217-323-1177


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